
Nominated for Business in Action sponsored by Boyes Turner

Maria Mayes

Our next Business in Action, nomination is for Reconstruct a business that recruits volunteer adults to visit Reading children in foster care.

Volunteers are recruited by the team at Reconstruct starting with an informal interview where the Reconstruct Coordinator gets a good sense of what the person is like to be able to match with a child with a similar personality and interests.

Their nominator said ‘Volunteers (called Independent Visitors) are matched with children where there are shared interests a bit like a fun aunt or uncle role. And spend a few hours once a month with a child in care and committing to at least two years with the same child. It could be spending time doing an activity such as pottery painting, ice skating, going to football or just spending time together on a walk - building a long-term positive relationship. They do incredible work and provide invaluable support to both volunteers and children.’

Reconstruct provide ongoing support, every Independent Visitor has a dedicated coordinator to have a non-judgemental debrief with after monthly visits - as much or as little is needed.

The Nominator added ‘Less than 4% of children in care have an ‘independent visitor’ but they can make a huge difference to a local child who’s had a difficult start in life – Reconstruct make this happen and provide an invaluable role in the community and I would love them to be recognised for their great work.’

Boyes Turner sponsor Business in Action, there are two awards one for companies with under 50 employees and the second for companies with over 50 employees.

See all this year’s nominations in Reading Today


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